Wine experts agree: Aeration improves the flavor and bouquet of anewly opened bottle of red wine. The conventional method of aeratingwine is to pour it into a decanter before serving. But now you cangently aerate your wine right in the glass with the Houdini AeratingPourer. It's designed to provide just the right amount of aeration -enough to soften the wine but not enough to flatten its taste. Plus,because you can now aerate your wine right into your glass, you caneasily aerate just what you need instead of an entire bottle!
Wine experts agree: Aeration improves the flavor and bouquet of anewly opened bottle of red wine. The conventional method of aeratingwine is to pour it into a decanter before serving. But now you cangently aerate your wine right in the glass with the Houdini AeratingPourer. It's designed to provide just the right amount of aeration -enough to soften the wine but not enough to flatten its taste. Plus,because you can now aerate your wine right into your glass, you caneasily aerate just what you need instead of an entire bottle!
Product Features
- Designed to aerate red wine as you pour
- Helps to improve the flavor and bouquet of your wine
- Allows for easy aeration without the use of a decanter
- Separates for easy cleaning when you're all done
Item Condition: New
- Color: Metallic Silver
- Use: Red wine
Item Condition: New