The staples of any energy drink, bar, or gel are carbohydrates. In this regard, Hammer Gel stands alone in today’s glutted market of energy products. A look at the ingredient list on the label will tell you why: we use long-chain complex carbohydrates for smooth, consistent energy release. There’s only a trace of sugar, so Hammer Gel doesn’t set off wild insulin spikes causing “sugar high” and “sugar crash.” You won’t find our products saturated with cheap, ineffective, commercial-grade sugars, which can ruin health and performance.
Hammer Gel is an easily digested, concentrated source of complex carbohydrates with four amino acids added to enhance performance and prolong energy levels during intense training and competition. Hammer Gel has a syrup-like consistency that mixes easily with water if so desired. You can drink it straight, dilute it, or use it to flavor other Hammer Nutrition fuels. Use it before, during, and after exercise.
Hammer Gel is available in the following delicious flavors: Apple-Cinnamon, Banana, Chocolate, Espresso, Montana Huckleberry, Orange, Peanut Butter, Peanut Butter/Chocolate, Raspberry, Tropical, Vanilla, and Unflavored.
Since 1995, Hammer Gel has been the benchmark of concentrated carbohydrate energy, primarily because of what it doesn’t contain—Hammer Gel has no added refined, simple sugars, and no artificial colors, flavors, or sweeteners.
Choose either single-serving pouches or cost-effective 26-serving jugs for even, reliable energy, not the “flash and crash” of sugar-loaded products. You get only what’s good for you: complex carbohydrates, natural ingredients, and real fruit. The result is a great-tasting concentrated fuel source that goes down and digests easier than other energy gels.
Hammer Gel is versatile as well; you can drink it straight, add it to your water bottle, or combine it with Sustained Energy, HEED, or Perpetuem to create a variety of tasty energy combinations for any length activity—anywhere, anytime.