Benefits of Germiphene Genie Plus Massage Table Cleaner
Get industrial strength cleaning power to remove stubborn stains with Germiphene Genie Plus Massage Table Cleaner.
This cleaner is formulated with a combination of surfactants and humectants specifically designed to cut through grease and oil.
Cleaner that Protects your Tables
- Genie Plus cleaner can remove years of built up grime to restore your table to it's original shine.
- Gentle on your table's upholstery. It create a protective coating to resist soil, bacteria, mould and biofilm.
- This alcohol free formula prevents drying and cracking of upholstery.
- Sanitises in 30 seconds - 10 minutes to disinfect.
- Multipurpose: clean, disinfect, restore, and neutralise odours.
Superior woven cloth technology - special fibers absorb and hold the cleaning liquid, releasing it when you wipe your surface - use half as many wipes!
Available in
- 1 Gallon
- 4 Gallons
Download Germiphene Genie Plus Massage Table Cleaner MSDS